SunClean makes recycling easy with a revolutionary system designed for the collection of glass, aluminum, paper, and plastic, metal cans. With our SunClean Chute Fed Recycling System with NuReTec Technology, recycling and sorting is convenient and cost-effective.
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Systems Available To Sort Different Material Types
Strict recycling mandates are inevitable. Installation now would not only save you money but would help begin the recycling revolution. The SunClean Chute Fed Recycling System with NuReTec Technology is specifically engineered for effective implementation by mid/high-rise recyclables with a revolutionary system designed for the collection of glass, aluminum, paper, plastic, metal cans, etc.
- Adapts to existing trash chutes.
- Allows for continued use of existing rubbish compactor.
- Adapts to virtually every building
- Allows for the addition of more material types.
- Able to use standard recycling containers.
SunClean Chute Fed Recycling System with NuReTec Technology - Standard side by side Model |
- Able to use recycling containers ranging from 95 gallon carts up to 2 yard containers.
- Recycling chute able to deposit to right, left, or rear depending on space availability and room layout
- Able to separate paper and plastic commingled plastic, tin, aluminum, and steel from the trash
SunClean Chute Fed Recycling System with NuReTec Technology - In-Line Model |
- Able to fit into a 5'2" wide area
- Able to separate paper and commingled plastic, tin, aluminum and steel from the trash
- Promotes cleaner enviroment in trash room
SunClean Chute Fed Recycling System with NuReTec Technology - Right Angle Model |
- Recycling chute able to deposit to the right, left, or rear depending on space availability and room layout.
- Custom designed to fit into confined spaces as small as 5'6" wide
- Containers arranged back to back next to compactor (if used)
SunClean Chute Fed Recycling System with NuReTec Technology - Master Control Panel |
The "Brains" of the DEC Chute Fed Recycling System with NuReTec Technology Automatic Recycling System
- Equipped with brand name solid state controls
- Converts 110V power to 24VDC to operate floor control panels and electric linear actuators