Occupational Safety and Health
Bronx Zoo - Saving Wildlife and Wild Places
Join DEC in helping the Bronx Zoo and the Wildlife Society.
The National Industries for the Blind
The National Industries for the Blind now offers green cleaning products, and the National Industries for the Severely Handicapped offers janitorial services using greening cleaning products. In 2002, the Javits-Wagner-O'Day (JWOD) Program partnered with one of the nation's premier producers of environmentally responsible cleaning chemicals, Rochester Midland, in order to meet customers' increasing demand for high-quality, non-toxic, and safe janitorial cleaning supplies.
This web site contains information on resent OSHA regulations, workshops, a listing of OSHA publications, as well as information on various OSHA programs, services and compliance assistance. It also has links to other safety and health web sites.
The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) was established by OSHA and is responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work related illness and injuries. This web site provides information on NIOSH's current activities as well as a list of available publications and reports.
Center For Disease Control
This web site provides access to the latest CDC reports and guidelines. It also has links to the various centers and institutes that comprise the CDC.
California OSHA
Provides information on recent regulatory actions as well as information on the Cal/OSHA Consultation Services. It also contains a number o health and safety publications issued by Cal/OSHA.
General Environmental
Air Quality and Health: A Guide to Air Pollution
A Guide to Air Pollution.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Provides access to EPA rules, regulations, initiatives and publications. It also contains a section on "What's New" at the Agency. Numerous links to "green" projects around the country.
California Environmental Protection Agency
Provides the latest information on Cal/EPA programs, initiatives and publications. Provides links to California Air Resources Board and Department of Pesticide Regulation.
Janitorial Pollution Prevention Project
The Janitorial Products P2 Project ("JP4") is producing a series of commentaries, fact sheets and how-to's on environmental, health, and safety issues. The commentaries are generally intended for supervisors, EH&S advisors, and agency P2 staff. This site is rich in material on how to select environmentally preferable products and the safest ways to clean.
Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (Fran McPoland)
Green Seal
Green Seal is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the environment by promoting the sale of environmentally responsible consumer products. It sets environmental standards and awards a "Green Seal of Approval" to products that cause less harm to the environment than other similar products.
US Green Building Council
Coalition of building and design professionals, environmental leaders and financial industry leader s who mission is to accelerate the adoption of green building practices, technologies, policies, and standards
Pesticides (including Anti-microbials)
U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs
Provides access to pesticide regulations, laws and policies, as well as latest information on implementation of the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 including its antimicrobial provisions. By clicking on Scientific and Regulatory information you obtain access to EPA's PR Notice.
PR Notices
Provides a direct link to EPA's Pesticide Regulation Notices.
Wright's Pest Law
Provides up-to-date, full text regulatory information and other resources of interest to registrants of pesticide products including antimicrobials. Provides access to the Second Edition of EPA's Label Review Manual, an excellent resource for developing an EPA label.
Canada Pesticide Management Regulatory Agency
Provides current information on Canadian pesticide regulations. Of current interest, information can be found on Canada's pesticide fee program.
Food Safety
Food Safety & Inspection Service
This site provides information on the FSIS' HACCP Systems regulations which represent a major change of regulatory direction. This change in regulatory direction will have many ripple effects including the discontinuation of the USDA authorization process for cleaning products. This site is worth visiting periodically to remain updated.
U.S. Food & Drug Administration
FDA has jurisdiction over food products not within the scope of the USDA. You can obtain updated information on food safety initiatives by visiting this site. This web site also provides access to information related to the regulation of certain disinfectants considered to be "medical devices."
GPO Access -- Government Printing Office
Online searchable government-related databases. Selections include Federal Register, US budget, economic forecasts, campaign reform, Federal Regulations, Congressional bills and records, member directories and other government record databases.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ASTDR)
Many companies have voluntarily reduced or eliminated certain hazardous substances from their cleaning products with alternative ingredients whenever feasible. Access more information regarding these substances.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) Building Technology Program
This website features current and recently complete research on indoor air quality, building material emissions, facility ventilation and Sustainable Building design.
Building Service Contractor International Association
This web site provides information for building service contractors -- education, certification, information on related government issues.